Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cabin Sweet Cabin

We decided to spend Memorial Day at Henry's Lake.  Jason loves to fish there opening day and the kids and I decided to tag along this year.  We planned on renting a cabin instead of tenting it as usual, which proved to be a wise choice since it snowed a good part of the weekend.  We weren't able to do as much outdoors as we would have liked, but it was quite beautiful watching the snow come down through the windows of our cozy cabin.

There was a huge moose head right by the front door which Owen lovingly called "Pooh!"  There was also a deer head and other woodsy features.  We loved the pellet stove, which made the cabin very toasty and had a campfire smell.  When it was too cold to go outside we played games and made cookies. 

Jason and the kids enjoyed fishing together and were lucky enough to catch a few trout.  We went on some very scenic drives around Island Park and Yellowstone, spotting moose, a fox, buffalo and a bear.  We took a trail to see Artists Paint Pots, a popular thermal area in Yellowstone we hadn't visited before.  We loved the colorful hot springs and mudpots.  The colors in Yellowstone always amaze me.  It was fun watching Owen get excited about everything around him.  He really loved one of the mudpots and kept pointing at it as he bounced in his stroller.  All of the kids enjoyed the trail and I'm sure we'll go again soon.  

Overall the trip was fabulous and we made some pretty great memories!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I love this picture.  Rachel's hamming it up, like always.  Owen is screaming, which he ALWAYS does in family pictures.  He really is a very happy child, just never in pictures (or in nursery...or at our pediatrician's office)!

I love Mother's Day.  It's seriously my favorite day of the year.  I took each of my kids on a walk today so I could have one-on-one time with each of them.  I told them Mother's Day is my favorite and asked if they knew why.  William thought it was because I receive gifts.  Matt guessed that I love it because I get to be his mom :)  Rachel wasn't in a good mood at the moment and didn't feel like guessing.  I let them know that it's my favorite because ever since I was a child I always dreamed of being a mother and every Mother's Day I am reminded that my dream came true.  I made sure they each knew they're all my very favorite and I'm so grateful to be their mom.  Then I let each of them lead the discussion.  William talked about science and how much he wants to invent something one day.  Matt started picking dead dandelions and we made wishes on them together.  He wished for me to have the bestest Mother's Day ever, then started throwing the stems at me!  Rachel didn't say much and wasn't in the best mood, so I'd remind her that she better not smile and she'd immediately start giggling.  Owen slept through all of it and doesn't talk much anyway, so I look forward to hearing what he has to say next year!

I also love Mother's Day because I am reminded of how thankful I am for my own mom.  She's the best!  She's the reason why I wanted to be a mom and stay at home with my kids.  I have a lot of memories of being at home with her when we lived in Camp Pendleton, CA.  I have very clear memories of her walking me to school  and I'd talk her ear off the entire way.  She never minded (or at least didn't show it) and I loved those walks!  She always encouraged me to do whatever it was I happened to be interested in and she was always there when I needed her.  I still call her when I need someone to talk to and am so grateful for her helpful and wise words.

I also happen to have an amazing mother-in-law.  When Jason and I first starting getting to know each other I remember thinking he obviously had an amazing mom.  He had so many good things to say about her and once we were engaged I couldn't wait to meet her.  From the first day I met Kathy she's always made me feel like part of the family.  She's also been there for me many times when I've needed someone to talk to.  My mom works full-time so Kathy's been there many times to watch our kids when Jason and I have needed time away to go house-hunting or to just get away.

Jason and the kids have made this an awesome Mother's Day so far.  Jason watched the kids while I went to a Power of Moms retreat in Park City, UT.  It was incredible and I won't say much about it now because the entire experience deserves it's own post.  Jason brought in breakfast for me this morning and the kids brought their usual homemade gifts and cards I adore so much.  Jason's outside right now grilling some steaks and says he's grateful to be married to a woman who loves beef :)  Being surrounded by my wonderful little family with a delicious dinner...I couldn't imagine anything better!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Indoor Climbing Adventure

We've never taken the kids rock climbing before and decided to take them to an indoor climbing gym today when we woke up to not-so-pleasant weather (again!).  The kids were definitely nervous and didn't go very high, even when they were harnessed.  They loved it though and just needed time to warm up.  Jason and I were able to climb a few times, although it's difficult with a toddler running around (and crying because he just wants to go "buh-bye").

Overall it was a great experience.  I loved watching the kids as their little faces lit up in amazement.  I'm looking forward to doing it all again, although next time we'll probably get a babysitter for Owen!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A must read (or listen)!

Heaven Is Here: An incredible story of hope, triumph, and everyday joy

I've heard of Stephanie's story before and was excited to hear she had written a book.  I was even more excited when I found her book on Audible the day my book credit arrived in my account.  I couldn't wait to start listening to her amazing story and once I did, I couldn't put it down.
I was actually folding laundry while listening to Nie Nie describe her desire to once again fold laundry, a chore she really didn't like doing before.  I am finding more joy in the chores that seem to never end, realizing that serving my family is a great blessing.
I cried when I read about her experience meeting Elder Holland and his wise counsel to her about her scars.

This is one of those life-changing stories I'll never forget.  I will cherish my family more, I will appreciate my physical body and it's abilities more, I'll love more and complain less, I'll take in the small moments and remind myself how blessed I truly am.  Now, if you haven't done so already, go get a copy of her book!
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